Please see Ansible playbooks and tasks in here
Ansible get host vars
ansible -i inventory/hosts.yml -m debug -a "var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]" all
Set variable
set_fact: clickhouse_connection_string="clickhouse-client -h --port {{ clickhouse_tcp_secure_port | default(clickhouse_tcp_port) }}{{' --secure' if clickhouse_tcp_secure_port is defined else '' }}"
Get variable for each host in group
ansible Exim_Hosts -m debug -a "var=exim_type"
Jinja expression concatinate hosts with
{% for host in output_hosts %}'{{ lookup('dig', host , 'qtype=A') }}'{{ ":" if not loop.last }}{% endfor %}
would give 'host1':'host2'
Everything between {% for host in output_hosts %}
and {% endfor %}
becomes a character. So pay attention to the spaces between evaluation expressions like {{ lookup }}
Jinja print evaluation
If you want to check Jinja expression and get the value
- Create playbook
- hosts: localhost
- name: Set fact
hosts: {% for host in output_hosts %}'{{ lookup('dig', host , 'qtype=A') }}'{{ ":" if not loop.last }}{% endfor %}
- name: Print fact
msg: "{{ hosts.split('\n') }}"
- Play playbook
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
Use variable
command: |
{{ clickhouse_connection_string }}
{% if item.cluster is defined %}ON CLUSTER `{{ item.cluster }}`{% endif %}'
Run comand locally
ansible all -i "localhost," -c local -m ansible.builtin.command -a 'echo hello world'
Run command on remote
ansible all -i, -u sudo-user -m ansible.builtin.command -a 'cat /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0'
Ignore key check
ansible_ssh_common_args: -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no
Access variable from another play
foo variable was defined on localhost play
{{ hostvars['localhost']['foo'] }}
Pause play
- name: Pause play to interact with the servers
prompt: "Playbook paused... hit <enter> to continue or <ctrl-c a> to abort"
Print groups of the host
- name: Print all groups
var: groups
Print all hostvars of the host
- debug: var=hostvars['clickhouse-01']
Print hostvars of the current running host
- debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]
Run tasks locally
- name: Play name
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: ...
How to run Ansible without specifying the inventory but the host directly
Surprisingly, the trick is to append a ,
# Host and IP address
ansible all -i,
ansible all -i,
# Requires 'hosts: all' in your playbook
ansible-playbook -i, playbook.yml
The host parameter preceding the ,
can be either a hostname or an IPv4/v6 address.
Show template results
- name: show templating results
msg: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.template', './some_template.j2') }}"
Show groups that host is member of
ansible <hostname> -m debug -a var=group_names
Ansible run command on remote host
ansible -u ansible -bKk -m shell -a "echo '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' > /var/www/html/phpinfo.php"
Ansible symbolic links
Find module
The issue lies with how the Ansible find
module handles symbolic links. Although you have follow: true
in your task, which should cause the module to follow symbolic links, it will not include those symbolic links in its output. The files in your sites-enabled
directory are symbolic links, hence not listed.
To include symbolic links in the find task you need to use file_type: link
This will include all symbolic links in the output. If you want not only links, but also regular files, you can use file_type: any
Lookup module
The lookup
module in Ansible by default does not follow symbolic links.