Test remote connection to git repository
git ls-remote -h HEAD
Get code from specific branch
cd /path/to/your/webroot
Initialize the new local repository as a clone of the 'upstream' (i.e. the remote server based) moodle.git repository. The upstream repository is called 'origin' by default. It creates a new directory named moodle, where it downloads all the files.
git clone git://
cd moodle
List all available branches.
git branch -a
Create a new local branch called MOODLE_402_STABLE and set it to track the remote branch MOODLE_401_STABLE from the upstream repository.
git branch --track MOODLE_401_STABLE origin/MOODLE_401_STABLE
Switch to the newly created local branch
git checkout MOODLE_401_STABLE
Add folder to list of ignored files
Tell git which files/folders to exclude when it pulls down the updates when you run your next git pull
cd /path/to/your/moodle/
echo /mod/certificate/ >> .git/info/exclude
Scan puplic available git repository
httpx -l -threads 10 -path '/.git/config/ -ms '[core]' >> publicgit.txt